Yesterday I whipped up a big ol’ bowl of sidewalk chalk
paint. I’ve had my eye on this cool paint for a while on Pinterest, but was
waiting for some nice spring weather to bust it out…BAM! I love a good activity
that both the kiddos can do, is cheap, easy, and simple to clean. Well ladies
and gents this is IT!
Despite its name, it actually does not require chalk, all
you need are 3 simple ingredients that you probably have on hand: cornstarch,
water, food coloring.
I’ve used these 3 ingredients to make slime during
Halloween, it creates a great textural medium that is runny yet solid at the
same time. To make the paint you just need to thin it slightly for painting.
I mixed equal parts cornstarch to equal parts water in a
bowl. To fill a 6 cup muffin pan I used ¾ cup each. Whisk together until
smooth. If you want a thicker slime like paint just add a spoonful or two of
extra cornstarch. It should drip from the whisk yet feel difficult to stir at the bottom.
Next separate out into cups or a muffin tin and add 3-6
drops of food coloring in each section, depending on how rich or pastel you
want the color to be.
Last, grab some brushes or sponges and hit the sidewalks or
It is called chalk paint because when it dries, which
happens quickly in the sun, it dries to a chalky finish that you can actually
peel up and use like chalk. I love that you get 2 sensory experiences in one
Both kids loved the chalk paint. Although I wouldn’t make it
an afternoon snack, it is fairly harmless if your peanut is a taste tester like
mine. As you can see, she did not like being told to not eat the paint!
Sean mixed his colors and was excited to see it change to
Thumbs up all around for sidewalk chalk paint! It easily washes off surfaces, clothes, and skin with soap and water.
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