Wednesday, February 12, 2014

She’s a 10!

I cannot believe that my little princess is 10 months old…cue the horns, fireworks, and drumroll as I begin the frantic need to begin party planning-only 2 months people!!! So in honor of Miss O I am sharing 10 of her favorite things.

In a world of technology and all things baby that light up, make music, and move I am so excited that my lil diva likes the simple things- a girl after my own heart.

#1- Singing with Mommy and Big Brother- She loves songs with motion like “Row, Row, Row your Boat,” “Open, Shut Them,” and “Itsy Bitsy Spider.”

#2- Bubbles- A daily activity in our house is a good ‘ol bubble fest of popping fun, she has even learned to blow them herself!

#3- Bath Fun- Her new interests are scooping and pouring so I make sure to provide an assortment of cups, scoops, spoons, and bowls for her entertainment. She also loves to smear shaving cream over the walls of the tub.

#4- Books- She’s been sharing bedtime stories with her big brother from her first day at home but I make sure that we have our own little story time with her books every day. She loves board books that have a variety of textures and lift/flap books.

#5-Nature- Both of my kiddos love being outside for strolls through the neighborhood, hikes in the woods, lazy beach days, snowy winter play…but her favorite is playing on a blanket out back or at a park while enjoying the breeze. On walks we collect leaves, pinecones, sticks, and rocks for her to investigate. Oh the simple things in life!

#6-Putting In and Taking Out- Hide your wipe box or anything that has an opening to pull and replace things, she loves rummaging through the diaper bag, or pulling tissue from tissue boxes, and plucking shapes from her shape sorter.

#7- Crawling- She has recently discovered a love of a play tunnel that Sean got from Gymboree. Her and Sean will sit in the tunnel and play-I love witnessing their special relationship almost makes me want 5 more…ALMOST!

#8- Eating! Miss O no longer wants mommy feeding her all her meals. Miss Independent now feeds herself 3 meals a day from a variety of fruits, steamed veggies, meats, cheese, pancakes, and anything that tickles her fancy. I love how neat she is for such a little person. Self-feeding is a great sensory experience as they experiment with textures from crunchy to mushy. Her current favorites are blueberries, pancakes, avocados, and watermelon! She still tops her meals off with mommy’s milk and I’m going to be so sad to wean her when the time comes.

#9- Dancing…or head bopping! She loves some bass…must be that mix of Miami and Decatur! She loves to shake a water bottle full of beans or pasta and have a jam fest!

#10- Her brother! Anything that Sean does she wants to do! She loves him so!!!
 Happy 10 months Baby Girl! Slow down you're growing up too fast!

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