Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Smitten with Mittens

Missing Mitten Mystery
Baby it’s STILL cold outside, so we’re still indulging in chilly stories. This week we’ve been smitten by mittens… Missing Mitten Mystery that is! This Steven Kellogg story tells of little Annie’s search for her missing red mitten. She retraces her steps from the day and daydreams of places her mitten could be, only to discover it in an unlikely place.

The missing mitten was Annie’s 5th one she had lost, so before reading the book I “hid” 5 red paper mittens around the playroom. After we read the story I had Sean hunt for all 5 mittens and then put them in numerical order.


Next, Sean and I played a mitten memory game. Very simple, I just cut out mitten shapes from various scrapbook papers in pairs. Then like any traditional memory game we flipped the mittens upside down and took turns flipping them over to try to find matching patterns.

Annie’s missing mitten was found, as the heart, in the snowman that she built with her friends earlier in the day. The final project was a snowman puppet. Sean’s grandparents had taken him to the Atlanta Center for Puppetry Arts last week to see a play about a snowman that fell in love with a stove; he was given a snowman kit to make his own puppet. We used the template provided and I let Sean decorate it to his liking.

Extending stories for toddlers and preschool aged children is fun and easy. I always preview the story first and find some element of the story that I can connect with art, math, science, movement, colors, vocabulary, or letters. It doesn’t take much to make meaningful learning through play, reading, and art.

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